Bitcoin Cash Gets's Support

August 27th, 2017
Back Bitcoin Cash Gets's Support

This month’s bitcoin split, resulting in the birth of new cryptocurrency, dubbed Bitcoin Cash (BCH), was one of the largest virtual currency events in recent years. The dust is slowly settling and things are looking up for both the original currency and its “offspring”. Both are doing more than well, with bitcoin soaring to cosmic levels. BTC is gaining recognition worldwide and is now being considered by big names in the online gambling industry.

One such recognition is now coming from, who has just announced, after meticulously observing the unfolding of the events following the split, that they will be offering limited support for BCH in their online panel. The process of adding BCH to their support system will take place over the next two months.

The official statement on their website is this: “Within the next 8 weeks, we’ll be rolling out limited support for BCH via the settings panel in your Blockchain Wallet. Users with balances of bitcoin in their Blockchain Wallet on August 1st will be able to access an equal balance, as of August 1st, of bitcoin cash.” Users will have complete access to their wallet and should leave aside all concerns about losing their amount of BCH. The only prerequisite for this is that they have deposited their bitcoins on before August 1st.’s founder, Peter Smith, commented that they felt their users needed help accessing their BCH and that the solutions now on offer do not meet the standards. Therefore, the site opted to provide limited support. He also added, commenting on funds safety with, that users should be “rest assured that their funds are secure. Blockchain wallets are non-custodial and users hold the private keys, meaning they always have full, exclusive access to their funds”


" to Support Bitcoin Cash", Lujan Sterlin,, August 23, 2017.

“The process of adding BCH to their support system will take place over the next two months.”

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