1) Wizard of Odds has a no-nonsense straightforward approach to gambling and games. Do you think this is the main reason for your success?
Absolutely. I think intelligent gamblers are hungry to just know the facts and the math about the games. There are already so many myths about gambling and charlatans offering worthless betting systems that the public is hungry for somebody to do the math on the games and explain the odds.
2) What it is your passion for gambling or understanding the mechanisms of games that led you to this career?
I love math, computer programming, and gambling. What I do is the perfect combination of the three. My site all started as just a hobby to understand the casino games myself.
3) As the “Odds Godfather” how much time goes into the analytic calculation in determining the odds of a game?
It depends on the game, but I've devoted 17 years of analyzing casino games in my Odds site. There are about 1,700 pages of material, which doesn’t come easy.
4) Which game was the most difficult assessing the odds and developing the best strategy?
5) Is strategy and odds calculated differently for online Casinos vs land based Casinos.
No. Given the same rules, the odds are the same between land and online casinos. However, one difference is online casinos tend to shuffle after every hand in blackjack, where land casinos use a cut card. It is slightly to the player’s advantage to shuffle after every hand.
6) Has your expertise on gambling given you the winning edge in a Casino so much so you were asked to leave?
I’ve been asked not to play several times, sometimes just blackjack and a few times all games, but never made to leave the building.
7) As a specialized authority on estimations and game strategy how would you compare yourself to a professional card reader at the Blackjack table?
I assume by “card reader” you mean a card counter. I'm already a card counter, which is the reason I've been asked to not play several times. However, one doesn't need to have advanced math skills to be a card counter. You just need to be able to do simple math and memorize about 20 numbers.
8) Slots require minimal strategy and are based for the most part on luck having the worst odds yet are one of the most popular gaming choices for players. What do you say to players that claim they have a system to win?
I would be immediately skeptical but at least ask what the system is. Most of them are methods of increasing and decreasing bet size according to past wins and losses, which not only can’t beat the casino’s advantage, it can’t even dent it. The only way to beat the casinos is with legitimate methods of advantage play.
9) What do you think is the largest motivational factor for gamblers; to win or the entertainment value?
Entertainment. As I always say, any recreational gambler sitting down to play should expect to lose as the price of the entertainment. Most gamblers I think get that.
10) As the mastermind of the gambling circuit what is the best piece of advice you would give to a newbie player?
Don’t play slots.
9 years ago
Jr. Member
Well I had no idea that the Wizard of Odds was now under the ownership of LCB. I spent many a late night reading that website, the blackjack guides and the letters pages kept me entertained for hours on end. Will all that content be integrated here at LCB eventually though and will the wizard continue writing for LCB?
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10 years ago
Super Hero
I enjoyed this well guided interview with Michael Shackleford. I have heard a lot about him and now I have to go and check out WOO. Of course I'm not taking his advice, It's too late, I'm already hooked on the slots. Thanks a little too late.
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10 years ago
Sr. Member
I had never heard of Michael Shackleford before, he seems really interesting and I am very keen to read through the Wizard of Odds site (there sure is a lot of information there and some of the math goes over my head a bit) I don't like his advice to not play slots though! :)
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10 years ago
Yes we acquired WOO site and no it is not a secret. However both LCB and WOO are different themed and separate sites , and we plan on keeping it that way. Hence why no announcement on LCB. Part of the deal was that Mike is to remain on board of WOO as now our employee and head of the content. But he will also be providing...
Yes we acquired WOO site and no it is not a secret. However both LCB and WOO are different themed and separate sites , and we plan on keeping it that way. Hence why no announcement on LCB. Part of the deal was that Mike is to remain on board of WOO as now our employee and head of the content. But he will also be providing some content for LCB as well.
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10 years ago
Sr. Member
I have read some talk on the forums here which stated Wizard of Odds and its related websites have infact been purchased by our very own Latest Casino Bonuses a couple of weeks ago? Is this correct, and if so how come there has not been a news article published about this development? I hope it isn't supposed to be a secret(!?)...
I have read some talk on the forums here which stated Wizard of Odds and its related websites have infact been purchased by our very own Latest Casino Bonuses a couple of weeks ago? Is this correct, and if so how come there has not been a news article published about this development? I hope it isn't supposed to be a secret(!?) but am keen to find out what this could mean for both sites and whether Mike will continue to provide new content under this arrangement?
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yapro123 10 years ago Full Member
Michael is the wizard of odds or something like this? I visited his website once or twice, and it is awesome. I am really also happy to see a people who do such great job, and also people who understand games like he understand it. Was very interesting to read, thank you very much.
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10 years ago
I met Mike this summer, and can say he truly is an unique person, with brilliant mind. Thanks to him I learned how to play perfect blackjack strategy which won me nice chunk back in a day when BJ bonuses were still EV+.
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10 years ago
Sr. Member
Michael Shacklefords website was constantly on my screen when I first began playing online casinos - the blackjack strategy cards were invaluable in achieving my first cashouts with the help of the generous bonuses available at the time. I've never given thanks for this, so Mike if your reading this, thank you very much...
Michael Shacklefords website was constantly on my screen when I first began playing online casinos - the blackjack strategy cards were invaluable in achieving my first cashouts with the help of the generous bonuses available at the time. I've never given thanks for this, so Mike if your reading this, thank you very much for all your efforts, I envy your skill as a mathematician and hope you will continue with your noble effort to share this skill and knowledge with the gambling community at large. Respect! :)
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