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1 4612 months ago
- Started by
- Lipstick
- at Oct 28, 09, 06:14:51 PM
Admin 13901
- last active 12 hours ago
Hi LCB Family,
Handing down the verdict for a person who has commited a serious crime, boils down to life in prison or the death penalty.
But what is really a good punishment for a horrendous crime? The death penalty is quick and there is no suffering.but there life is wiped out. Certainly there is satisfaction in regards to the victim and their family.
Life in prison without the possibility of parole is definitely a nice way to suffer. As a prisoner your life lingers into a living hell atmosphere for the rest your days.
Do you believe in the death penalty? If it was a family member that died at the hands of a criminal..what method would you prefer? Do we have the right to determines a criminals fate?
Lips -
- Replied by
- satansmuff
- at Oct 28, 09, 06:59:07 PM
Super Hero 1584
- last active 4 years ago
You just said the same thing I was thinking....with death there is no real punishment, we are all gonna die at some point so giving someone the death penalty is just giving them less time to think about what they did.......If someone did something terrible to me or a loved on their death wouldn't give me the least bit of satisfatcion....knowing they have to spend the rest of their lives living like a caged up animal would please me more.....Plus I'm sure it doesn't happen too often, but what if the system is wrong and the execute an innocent person?? Where's the justice in that?
- Replied by
- PMM2008
- at Oct 28, 09, 07:52:01 PM
Mighty Member 3103
- last active 4 years ago
I do believe in the death penalty, but I feel death is to quick and painless for the terrible crimes that some of these people have commited. They deserve to serve the rest of thier days in as much misery as the system can supply. But do they suffer enough just because they are behind bars? They have better medical care than alot of the innocent people out there. They also will never know a hungry day. I'm not saying prison is a great place to be, I just think it could be alot worse on the criminals than it is. (Cable TV in their cells...etc)
Oh I forgot, even prisoners have rights....BLAH. >:(
- Replied by
- satansmuff
- at Oct 28, 09, 08:03:14 PM
Super Hero 1584
- last active 4 years ago about this idea...people that would be put on death row, should be put in solitare for the rest of their lives with no possiblity of getting into a "normal" cell, and will be denied any kind of medical care for any reason....oh....and ONE meal a day, I believe a person could live off that's what I call suffering lol..........
- Replied by
- genenco
- at Oct 28, 09, 09:55:02 PM
Mighty Member 3032
- last active 5 years ago
I'd be against it simply as they (Like the DC sniper) got "Life" however the guy who taught him was given death sentence recently) and I'd they spend their years in prison.
Ending their lives, simply means they are no longer able to kill, however, life in prison does that. Yes, they are housed "Humanely" but I'd rather they got that sheriff from AZ to teach them about "Decent Treatment"
Regarding Sm part, there's more then enough evidence that this has occured before. In fact, there's many convicts who in Texas have been released due to false evidence and some were in for rape which they could have been executed at one time for.
Instead, they do get cash, which I think they also deserve a personal apology from the govenor. -
- Replied by
- Deb321
- at Oct 29, 09, 12:42:05 AM
Sr. Member 376
- last active 8 years ago
My problem with giving them life in prison is they are not treated like caged animals as PMM said most of them have better medical care than we do. They can work out, watch cable tv, have 3 good meals a day and get a good education. I know good hard working people that don't have it that good. I feel like with DNA testing the way it is today the death penalty is the way to go. Why should we pay for their care for the rest of their rotten lives. I would be ok with them serving if they didn't have tv, a place to work out and all the other stuff. If they started the chain gangs again and made them pay for there expenses that would be great.I live not far from where the little 7 year old girl's body was found last week in a landfill in Southeast Georgia. What kind of sick animal could do such a thing and what rights should he really have??? If that had been my child someone would pay dearly. They show their victims no mercy and the strip them of all their rights. I know they will find who did this and they will get the death penalty.
- Replied by
- satansmuff
- at Oct 29, 09, 11:43:31 PM
Super Hero 1584
- last active 4 years ago
Oh and one more thing about the death penalty......What makes the people or person who decide's someone should get death and the pesron delivering the death any better than the person who committed the crime......Making the decision that someone else should die in my opinion is no different than someone on the street shooting another in cold blood......We are all people [we as in criminals and the justice system] who take it upon ourselves to decide someone elses fate........No one has the right to play "GOD"......
- Replied by
- wnanhee
- at Oct 30, 09, 12:19:00 AM
Superstar Member 5413
- last active 3 years ago
If anyone comes even near to ever hurt my daughter or my family...I am not so sure if I will be the first one to vote for death penalty...or for that criminal to rot in prison...I think I will probably see to my own justice...what I mean is is to find that person who hurt my family and give them what they deserve in punishment but it's hard to say or even want to imagine things like that to be in cal. even though you get death sentences you get to stay in prison for 10 to 20 years or me...that is the waste of our tax dollars.
- Replied by
- phibbie
- at Oct 30, 09, 06:39:07 AM
Full Member 165
- last active 7 years ago
- Replied by
- dananza
- at Oct 30, 09, 09:11:52 AM
Jr. Member 76
- last active 7 years ago
my cousin got stabbed to death about 10 year ago, whilst playing scrabble in his girlfriends home, her ex came to her house drunk entered and stabbed my poor cousin 4 times in the back. he was 21. the guy who did this got 15 years prison,he did 7 years, and has now been released and emigrated to spain from the uk. where is the justice????? my cousin robbed of his life, robbed of kids, robbed of a family, robbed of everything that we take for granted. not to mention the pain and suffering my family as gone through since the day it happened and will continue to the day they die. being jailed is not enough, the saying is a life for a life, but this is not true, it should say a life for a life and every other life that has been effected my there actions. personally id make them play a game, like they do in the saw films. (but with no escape).
- Replied by
- satansmuff
- at Oct 30, 09, 10:13:18 AM
Super Hero 1584
- last active 4 years ago
Well Dananza, that is really sad and I don't see any justice for what happened to your family.....Although I personally wouldn't have given the death sentance theres NO WAY IN HELL I woulda set him free in 7 years!! I still like my idea of life in solitary with no medical treatment and one meal a day....oh and the meal should be scrapped off the the plates of the rest of the inmates when they are nasty leftovers......that sounds like a living hell if you ask me and if someone were to do that to me, I'd be begging to die!!!
- Replied by
- Deb321
- at Oct 30, 09, 01:50:39 PM
Sr. Member 376
- last active 8 years ago
Well Dananza, that is really sad and I don't see any justice for what happened to your family.....Although I personally wouldn't have given the death sentance theres NO WAY IN HELL I woulda set him free in 7 years!! I still like my idea of life in solitary with no medical treatment and one meal a day....oh and the meal should be scrapped off the the plates of the rest of the prisoners when they are nasty leftovers......that sounds like a living hell if you ask me and if someone were to do that to me, I'd be begging to die!!!
Unfortunately that would never happen so what then?? A murderer is set free after 7 years Is that Justice? Of course we have to worry about the rights of the criminal what a joke they should have no rights at all. Inhumane treatment??? What about the rights of the victims?? Satan I agree with you if they could be locked away with no perks but in reality that will never happen. -
- Replied by
- xMOONx
- at Oct 30, 09, 04:33:48 PM
Jr. Member 51
- last active 7 years ago
I was a corrections officer at a Louisiana prison (DWCC) for many years--we have the death penalty here and I absolutely agree with it!! Life in prison is much easier than the general plublic knows--I have seen/been in the death chamber (lethal injection) at Angola Prison--I had my training at Angola to make Sgt.--it's a very easy way for them to die--much easier than the victums!! Life in prison--everything is furnished for them++satellite TV--doctors-medicine-dentist-everything and I personally don't like paying for their comfort! I think (an eye for an eye)-(the same atrocities they did to their victums) :'( should be applied to the death penalty instead of an easy way out. >:(
- Replied by
- xMOONx
- at Oct 30, 09, 04:44:40 PM
Jr. Member 51
- last active 7 years ago
Oh and one more thing about the death penalty......What makes the people or person who decide's someone should get death and the pesron delivering the death any better than the person who committed the crime......Making the decision that someone else should die in my opinion is no different than someone on the street shooting another in cold blood......We are all people [we as in criminals and the justice system] who take it upon ourselves to decide someone elses fate........No one has the right to play "GOD"......
There is a BIG difference--Who played GOD in making the decision to slaughter an INNOCENT VICTUM? There are laws to live by in our country and murdering innocent people is not one of them! We don't play GOD in giving the death sentence--we give justice to the victums! -
- Replied by
- wnanhee
- at Oct 30, 09, 05:52:41 PM
Superstar Member 5413
- last active 3 years ago
There is a BIG difference--Who played GOD in making the decision to slaughter an INNOCENT VICTUM? There are laws to live by in our country and murdering innocent people is not one of them! We don't play GOD in giving the death sentence--we give justice to the victums!
we give justice to the victums! .......this is the best thing I heard so far...I used to read many true crim books and I had to stop at some point...I was having nighmares and started to look everyone as serial killers. There are some of these losers who commited horrified and unspeakable crimes but too small amount of punishment at the end just because of their own right by ppl who believes in righ for everyo human being. I see ppl who molested and raped little kids in everywhere and makes me sick and want to ask why? why............a thousand time, are these killers really deserve to have same equal justice from us? makes me woder. Like I said, I wouldn't vote for either...if it were for my family, I will make sure these scumbacks get their matter what it takes!!! -
- Replied by
- drpsyce38
- at Oct 30, 09, 06:50:03 PM
Super Hero 1493
- last active 5 years ago
- Replied by
- satansmuff
- at Oct 30, 09, 10:03:48 PM
Super Hero 1584
- last active 4 years ago
Funny thing about sayings.....I've heard the saying "an eye for an eye" a thousand times over......BUT ......i've also heard the saying "two wrongs don't make a right" Trust be told, I could care less either way, I'm not out there killing people so it's not my problem to worry about how killers are punished......All I'm saying is that if I were the one who had to sentence someone to death, I feel that would make me a killer too.....As far as punishment goes death seems to easy....not enough punishment, and yet jail seems too light.......Lol, Once again I like my idea of solitare, damn near starving and no health care....All they would have is their thoughts alone in the dark and the hungry feeling in the pits of their stomachs.....until the day they die!
- Replied by
- mistye81
- at Oct 30, 09, 10:22:28 PM
Sr. Member 289
- last active 7 years ago
- Replied by
- wnanhee
- at Nov 01, 09, 01:33:52 AM
Superstar Member 5413
- last active 3 years ago
wnanabee.....well, I said I was against the death penalty for religious reasons. But, I am sure okay with aweful killers being put on some sort of Hell's Island for their entire life with a rough cell-companion named Brutus Beefcake.
Doc. I like you, like you alot but could you please make sure you remember my name? either Nan or WNANHEE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`HELP~~~ -
- Replied by
- satansmuff
- at Nov 01, 09, 10:39:39 AM
Super Hero 1584
- last active 4 years ago
- Replied by
- wnanhee
- at Nov 01, 09, 06:02:51 PM
Superstar Member 5413
- last active 3 years ago
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