The Great Weekly New Debate

- Started by
- Lipstick
Admin 13901
- last active 23 hours ago
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- Started by
- Lipstick
- at Dec 20, 09, 01:15:24 AM
Admin 13901
- last active 23 hours ago
Hi Members,
Some members have expressed interest in having a debate. In discussing a topic, opinions are welcome. Please keep in mind that they are just that, opinions from members. This debate is to not be taken personally. Attacking or insulting another member will not be accepted and bear in mind to respect different points of view. Remember its ok to agree to disagree!!
The American Dream
What is the American dream? It is said to be a land of opportunity. It’s a country wherein every man or woman can succeed regardless of race, religion or family history. America is the land of prosperity, recognition, power, liberty and justice for all.
But our we losing that American dream? We live in a society of materialistic worth. We live beyond our means. We are in deep credit card debt. It is said that most Americans are two paychecks away from filing bankruptcy if they were to lose their job.
Is the American Dream just an illusion?
Lips -
- Replied by
- Lipstick
- at Dec 20, 09, 11:53:56 AM
Admin 13901
- last active 23 hours ago
I agree the era of mom staying home while dad brought home the bacon is over. One of my favorite eras has to be the 50's when living that part of the American dream was alive and well.
We have become so materialistic that we have lost sight of the institution of family. What i find interesting mariann, is the need to make reference about working woman "getting on you". It says it all. In todays society if a woman does not have a career and chooses to be a stay home mom she is considered to lack ambition.
I have often said i wish i was in the era of the 50's when women proudly wore their apron and baked a hot apple pie. Took care of children and held the family together.
How sad it is, those days are gone. Our roles as women have changed. I don't think we really had a choice. Keeping up with social and economical society we now live in makes it almost impossible for the middle class family.
Lips -
- Replied by
- Imagin.ation
- at Dec 20, 09, 01:58:45 PM
Superstar Member 5026
- last active 6 years ago
Also i beleive, since both parents are working, children growing up in a working family have changed and it has affected the society. Alot are without supervision, and are almost growing up on their own. Making choices and descions without adult mentors to advise them. So what's a child going to do but act like a child into adulthood. They join gangs for the togetherness and leadership. Parents are too tired to even interact. Theres so much more of the effects of both parents working as compared to stay at home parenting.
So is the American Dream really worth it? We are losing our children in this sacrifce. -
- Replied by
- drpsyce38
- at Dec 20, 09, 04:14:49 PM
Super Hero 1493
- last active 5 years ago
Thanks to Bush and Obama, the American dream has been put on hold for at least a generation. Their wild spending and borrowing has created such a huge debt load that this will be the first generation ON RECORD that does worse, financially, than the one before. Sad days. Happiness will have to be without financial success....hmmmm...not a bad thing, though!
- Replied by
- Imagin.ation
- at Dec 20, 09, 04:27:39 PM
Superstar Member 5026
- last active 6 years ago
Basically we are working are butts off for nothing..? The only thing we can enjoy is eat and sleep, and barely that. Gas and food are so high as well.
No one has a future?.. Some people are so troubled by our (americas) and their own debts they are having heartattacks and strokes, some are commiting suicide.
Some are even going so far as getting into selling illegal merchandise (drugs and et el etc.), and we know why they do that, can't afford the taxes.. -
- Replied by
- Feelin froggy
- at Dec 20, 09, 08:24:15 PM
Superstar Member 6049
- last active 1 year ago
Great topic lips. When you said that we are deep in credit card debt, that caught my attention. I am in banking and I must tell you that the federal regulations are becoming more stringent on banks to protect the consumer. I agree to a certain extent and many lenders have not been on the up and up but when does the responsibility fall on us as consumers? If I buy something I can't afford that is my problem. I shouldn't need the government to babysit me because I can't control myself. After all, you did say "we" are in debt.
- Replied by
- drpsyce38
- at Dec 20, 09, 08:30:21 PM
Super Hero 1493
- last active 5 years ago
- Replied by
- Imagin.ation
- at Dec 20, 09, 09:00:56 PM
Superstar Member 5026
- last active 6 years ago
Doc, what do you think would be the consequences by over stepping the boundaries the "babysitters" have been controlling us with?
What if we all stopped using electricity, stop buying gas, screw it im not paying my taxes this year, and so forth.. They are depending on us therefore we are depending on ourselves. We are footing our own bill.
P.S. We cannot predict the future, as far as buying something now we figured we could afford, (years of doing well and good credit) then unforseeningly a month later lose your job, had no way of knowing that would happen, little by little the middle class person goes into a debt he can't ever catch back up with. Late fees, interest fees and whatever else kind of fees are added, you can't keep above water. -
- Replied by
- Feelin froggy
- at Dec 20, 09, 09:12:29 PM
Superstar Member 6049
- last active 1 year ago
- Replied by
- Feelin froggy
- at Dec 20, 09, 09:25:38 PM
Superstar Member 6049
- last active 1 year ago
Imagin.ation, I have to comment on buying something now you thought you could afford.
You are correct that we can't predict the future. That is why anytime we buy something with money we do not actually have, the potential that anything can happen should automatically enter our minds. -
- Replied by
- CheekyMonkey77
- at Dec 20, 09, 09:29:38 PM
Sr. Newbie 16
- last active 7 years ago
- Replied by
- CheekyMonkey77
- at Dec 20, 09, 09:31:41 PM
Sr. Newbie 16
- last active 7 years ago
- Replied by
- Imagin.ation
- at Dec 20, 09, 09:58:36 PM
Superstar Member 5026
- last active 6 years ago
Then why even bother with credit? Credit is depending on future..
Future depends on us
Paying our bills and getting that a1 credit is a goal we work for..
We can't always just think something like that is going to happen, we think
it will not happen, it does and we end in debt with fees fees fees, who gets those fees, what are they for, we just take it for granted and figure
200.00 in fees is for paperwork, processing, and to hear someone call us up with if you pay 1000.00 now on a card you only used 500.00 in real credit it will bring you just below the deep end of the water, cards are frozen you can't use them any longer, but you are continueing with bookoo fees..
The credit thing is crazy and out of control, why is it..?
Credit depends on future, future depends on keeping your job and paying the bills, paying the bills gives you credit and a future.
The cycle.. we need to recycle our own systems..
P.S. I myself have been in the situation, luckily i got out of debt, but i have a friend that is in misery, and she was way well off then i was.. -
- Replied by
- Lipstick
- at Dec 20, 09, 10:28:55 PM
Admin 13901
- last active 23 hours ago
I think the problem with our country is we have no choice but to have credit card debt. Want to buy a house? Ya better have a credit card. Want to buy a new car? Ya better have a credit card. Want to rent a movie........reserve a hotel a car....... Ya better have a credit card.
We are conditioned to believe that the only way to survive is to have credit card debt. I know when i paid off my credit card debt i was adviced to keep charging!! Why? To keep a credit history. Without a credit history your a good as dead in the water as far as making a major purchase.
This is why we are in the condition we are in. The government shoves down our throats to charge charge charge!! We are not given a choice......where is the freedom in that?
Lips -
- Replied by
- karen simmons
- at Dec 20, 09, 11:00:38 PM
Sr. Member 353
- last active 7 years ago
I have found that the American dream has changed from when the founders fought to create this country that their fight was basically for the greater good of all.
In today's society it is for the greater good of oneself. Let your neighbor suffer as long as you are not. It's now what can "I" achieve not what can we achieve. Just recently, I was talking , more like arguing with my 19 year old nephew and his girlfriend about this sort of thing. What really hit me was their beliefs that their rights in this country is to live the dream by only worrying about themselves and if people are losing their jobs its not their problem those people should go get another or two jobs or even three if they have to to support their families. Those peoples misfortunes are their own problems not theirs.
This is where our country is going wrong.People need to stop only thinking of their own survival and others dint matter. Too many times people like that get into high positions like CEO's. People who take what they need or want and dint care about the people who work for them.
Greed runs this country not the people. Wars are created to make money, people are laid off to assure the greedy ones get theirs, insurance companies deny to keep cash flowwing, and yes banks create credit cards to charge their interest for their upper management.
If you seen all CEO's live with 30% less than what they get, there would be more people working and making better money -
- Replied by
- Imagin.ation
- at Dec 20, 09, 11:05:12 PM
Superstar Member 5026
- last active 6 years ago
Credit is the future, it depends on it..
We cannot predict the future, therefore.. Credit is not some kind of nestegg we work our butts off to have, credit takes our future and flushes our life away. Credit is the working persons prison.. you are marked for it.
We have no choice.. this cycle we are stuck in so why penalize those that cannot pay do to job loss or anything else unpredictable, credit wants us to default? Is it expected?
Louiseff.. you are right GREED and FEEEEEES!!! -
- Replied by
- drpsyce38
- at Dec 21, 09, 07:19:08 AM
Super Hero 1493
- last active 5 years ago
Louiseff. I have to agree with you 100% on the greed point! I think a big part of the current economic problem stems from greed.
Now, where I might diverge a bit from your point is your quickness to blame CEOs. Yes, some have been greedy, greedy, greedy. But MORE people were greedy and bought houses they could not afford, or took out lines of credit they could not afford. Yes, the banks gave those loans out (the idiots!) but people are not mindless creatures. Good decisions have to be made.
Thanks to people like Dictator Obama, we have a blame game going on focusing on a few greedy CEOS. Where is the accountability for average citizens living within their means? Where is the accountability of our government borrowing trillions of dollars? Even if we taxed the "greedy CEOs" at 90% the revenue would be a drop in the sea compared to the trillions in debt we are racking up. -
- Replied by
- Imagin.ation
- at Dec 21, 09, 04:38:52 PM
Superstar Member 5026
- last active 6 years ago
If our legistrators, CEOS, presidents, and who ever else is up their collar in our government with their undeserved wages, took just a half of wage cut, gave that half back to america, and paid proper taxes (ahem) it could probably settle half our debt
Bring them to our level, let them see what it is REALLY like. -
- Replied by
- karen simmons
- at Dec 21, 09, 05:01:54 PM
Sr. Member 353
- last active 7 years ago
My mom always told me history repeats itself. Dig into the history of the world and look at all sides of governments, wars, buisness. You will see these problems we face are not the first but the first for OUR generation. Same problems just a different year.
We humans are destined to repeat our mistakes no matter how much lower class humans scream, vote and protest. -
- Replied by
- karen simmons
- at Dec 21, 09, 05:04:46 PM
Sr. Member 353
- last active 7 years ago
Im sorry but do you not remember Bush borrowed money for a war? Obama borrows for the people! HHHHMMMM! Big difference there. Dont believe me about Bush? Check your history! Also the projected debt would be gone by this year and Bush led us into the highest debt we have seen since Reagan. So when you start in debt for a war that didnt make money like Bush had planned unfortunatly you have to borrow to save people who are suffering. Even if it means bailing out banks and car companies so more people dont lose their homes and their jobs. It was for the good of THE PEOPLE.
Louiseff. I have to agree with you 100% on the greed point! I think a big part of the current economic problem stems from greed.
Now, where I might diverge a bit from your point is your quickness to blame CEOs. Yes, some have been greedy, greedy, greedy. But MORE people were greedy and bought houses they could not afford, or took out lines of credit they could not afford. Yes, the banks gave those loans out (the idiots!) but people are not mindless creatures. Good decisions have to be made.
Thanks to people like Dictator Obama, we have a blame game going on focusing on a few greedy CEOS. Where is the accountability for average citizens living within their means? Where is the accountability of our government borrowing trillions of dollars? Even if we taxed the "greedy CEOs" at 90% the revenue would be a drop in the sea compared to the trillions in debt we are racking up.
- Replied by
- drpsyce38
- at Dec 21, 09, 05:48:51 PM
Super Hero 1493
- last active 5 years ago
Louiseff....well....keep in mind, I am no Bush fan! He was an economy wrecker, too. I blame him as much as Obama. So, the old "Bush was WORSE" is pretty moot.
Bush's largest deficit was $400 billion.....which is TOO high. Obama = $1.4 trillion.
One is hard pressed to find anyone Obama's wild borrowing and spending have benefited, save Wall Street firms and assorted government workers. -
- Replied by
- drpsyce38
- at Dec 21, 09, 05:54:54 PM
Super Hero 1493
- last active 5 years ago
If we took 90% of all CEOs pay in tax, it would be TINY compared to the deficit that Dictator Obama is racking up.
Under Obama you will:
Be paying for taxes and fees.
Be paying more for energy.
More for health insurance.
Rationed health care.
And Obama said unemployment would stop at 8% under his WONDERFUL Stimulas package. Hmmmm...its 10% now with no end in sight.
Already tires cost more for your car, up 20% due to Obama's direct policy. Just tires, yes, but a herbinger of things to come.....
Keep buying gold, folks. The Obama Depression is coming. And folks, I am a Democrat! lol -
- Replied by
- bigjay36
- at Dec 21, 09, 07:16:49 PM
Jr. Member 60
- last active 8 years ago
i don't want to get in a big thing with anyone , but drpsyce38 it sounds to me like you don't have the complete story but just partial facts . And your using parts to try to make your argument .
Now that being said I'm not pro Bush or Obama . Yes when Bush left office there was a debt of 400 billion , but that's not all that was left during his term is when all the bad mortgages were handed out . which led to a globale recession . Now Obama comes along and he has to try to stimulate the economy so the money he puts in would have had to be done by anyone else in his position . Now I'm not saying the way he is trying stimulate the economy is right . I believe he's f***d up big . But there hasn't been enough time gone by yet to see the full affect of his stimulate package . -
- Replied by
- drpsyce38
- at Dec 21, 09, 07:34:43 PM
Super Hero 1493
- last active 5 years ago
bigjay....good points.
But, there is little evidence the Stimulus has done much of anything. What measurable has been stimulated? Even a little bit? One would think dumping billions into the economy, even in one year's time, would have an immediate up-tick SOMEWHERE. What has blipped up, even in the slightest? -
- Replied by
- bigjay36
- at Dec 21, 09, 08:34:58 PM
Jr. Member 60
- last active 8 years ago
you know when they first passed stimulate package I thought it was garbage and wouldn't do much but I'm trying hold out to see how it does over a period of time . cause they did say it would not be a quick fix . but the reason i think it'll do little is they did not put enough towards infrastructure . It will be blue workers that bring our country out of the recession . I think if Obama would have applied half the money he's put out so far to to our countries decaying infrastructure it would have been a win win all a way around . But theres a lot of people out there a lot smarter then me so hopefully I'm wrong and they have done so far is rightfor the countries sake
- Replied by
- Imagin.ation
- at Dec 21, 09, 08:42:35 PM
Superstar Member 5026
- last active 6 years ago
I want to say really quickly, we all got that stimulus check.. last year mmhmm, good idea there, give it to us, tell us to buy american made..
What did we do..?
We bought japanese, china, german, taiwan, mexico etc etc products lol
How many of us bought american?
They got rich off our stimulus
But, really does anyone here have any good ideas that would help this trouble we are in, would a stimlus work for us to pay our debts?
We have things to say about it, but how about some ideas? -
- Replied by
- bigjay36
- at Dec 21, 09, 09:15:36 PM
Jr. Member 60
- last active 8 years ago
We will climb out of are recession it's just going to be a slow process . One key thing Obama has done so far was to stop the downward spiral that we were in . it's no quick fix it'll probably 4 to 6 years and even then we will never be back like we were before . But that's good our economy before was false puffed up and could not support it self
- Replied by
- Imagin.ation
- at Dec 21, 09, 10:15:20 PM
Superstar Member 5026
- last active 6 years ago
- Replied by
- Lipstick
- at Dec 22, 09, 12:39:40 PM
Admin 13901
- last active 23 hours ago
Lot of comments thrown out at Obama. When he was elected we all had hopes for a better America. In all honesty don't you think he still does?
The real question is why can't he make some of these changes that have been suggested here. I am wondering if he could........wouldn't he? What is going on inside that he can not divulge to the public.
I can't help but feel that its beyond the American public's comprehension. It sounds so easy as citizens of this country to sit back and say he should do this or that and all will be resolved.
But for every change is a domino effect. I think that is what we don't realize or even know about. I visualize Obama first stepping into office with such a promise of a better tomorrow.......then comes the inside knowledge........"oh no, he can i ever fix this country".
Its a mess that is for sure, but for every patch that is repaired another leak springs. I want to say that i am not saying this because i'm a Obama lover one way or the other.......and feel the need to defend him. I say it only because is there really a man in this country that could put a quick fix to repair the damage done?
I personally don't think so -
- Replied by
- Imagin.ation
- at Dec 22, 09, 02:28:36 PM
Superstar Member 5026
- last active 6 years ago
The system is patch ontop of patch, it just cannot be repaired any more.
We need an all new system, not one made with echoing, selfish conjuring promises but one made with effort.. "yes thats going to work", if it doesn't then its back at one. A devoted panel that cares nothing about anything except to derive a new system to correct this awful mess we are in. -
- Replied by
- Feelin froggy
- at Dec 22, 09, 03:45:07 PM
Superstar Member 6049
- last active 1 year ago
- Replied by
- drpsyce38
- at Dec 22, 09, 09:09:15 PM
Super Hero 1493
- last active 5 years ago
No one can clean it up in one year...agreed! However, one can make it worse very quickly. And that is what Obama is doing.
Fact: He has borrowed and spent more in one year, than all the Presidents in US history did COMBINED.
He is making people dependent on government. Millions will become wards-of-the-state.***
He wants to tax "the rich" to pay for all this, but there are not enough rich people to satisfy his spending mania. Already 86% of all taxes are paid by just 25% of the workforce. (Up from 84% in 2000) The top 1% pay 40% of ALL taxes. There simply are not enough rich people to tax anymore. This means average people are going to see a huge increase in taxes (or taxes disguised as "fees.")
You will be forced purchase health insurance at 12% of your salary. If you fail to do so, you can be put in jail. This is in the Bill up for vote this week in the Senate. No one denies this reality in the proposed legislation.
***Just look at the Youtube videos of people REALLY believing Obama is going to give them a free car, house, and spending cash. -
- Replied by
- Feelin froggy
- at Dec 23, 09, 08:52:58 AM
Superstar Member 6049
- last active 1 year ago
- Replied by
- Lipstick
- at Dec 27, 09, 05:26:30 PM
Admin 13901
- last active 23 hours ago
Debate #2
To Swing or not to Swing that is the question.
There are couples who are married and very happy. There is just one twist to their relationship that is not main stream in society. They are swingers. These couples believe that it strengthens their marriage. Sexual activity should not be limited or deprived to just one partner. It's a natural act of enjoyment. This does not change the love the married couple has for each other. It is always done with the consent of their partner and knowledge.
There are married couples who believe that monogamy is what marriage is. Being faithful to just one person is the true expression of love. It is against religion and vows taken to have multiple partners.
Sexual desire is a natural part of life. Should we not be allowed to act upon our desires? Has becoming civilized in today's culture deprived us? Is having one partner showing the greatest expression of love?
Lips -
- Replied by
- Feelin froggy
- at Dec 27, 09, 05:46:57 PM
Superstar Member 6049
- last active 1 year ago
Monogamy is a wonderful thought but I truly do not believe that humans are meant to be monogamous. In my opinion, that is why there are so many relationships destroyed by unfaithful partners. Many of us can consciously make the choice to be with one person or partners may make the choice to have the infamous “open relationship”. Marriage is for those people. Bottom line, both people must be on board.
- Replied by
- Imagin.ation
- at Dec 27, 09, 05:49:40 PM
Superstar Member 5026
- last active 6 years ago
Marriage is sacred to me, you make vows to God and each other.
One partner for me for life is all i'll need, whatever sexual desires my husband needs or wants i'll be all that. I'll be Tinkerbell one night and Ms.SheWolf the next, all my love, devotion, attention, concentration etc goes to my husband, my mind, heart, body and soul are his.
With issues as "swingers" it makes it so marriage was more of its convinence, having the papers just for security. Why get married if you are just going to fool around. You want other sexual partners don't get married.
I think with the swingers thing your marriage heads for trouble. -
- Replied by
- Lipstick
- at Dec 27, 09, 06:16:19 PM
Admin 13901
- last active 23 hours ago
Is there really a correlation between love and sex with swingers? I think those are two completely different areas. Love is is desire for these couples. Of course when we are in love having intimacy is part of the loving expression........but not in all cases.
Sexual arousal has nothing to do with love at all in many cases. In open couple relationships.....the partner is not out seeking "love". They are out to have a good time.
I will say........i am TOTALLY against it. Call me jealous.......but NO one would touch MY man!!!
Lips -
- Replied by
- Imagin.ation
- at Dec 27, 09, 07:24:20 PM
Superstar Member 5026
- last active 6 years ago
- Replied by
- Lipstick
- at Dec 27, 09, 10:01:02 PM
Admin 13901
- last active 23 hours ago
Ok, with that said it brings up a whole new issue here. There are men that do not feel the same way women do in regards to sex. We as women have a more emotional connection to intimacy.
Some men don't need love nor does it even enter into the equation when looking for pleasure with a woman. I think women put a lot more emphasis on love then men do when sharing intimacy.
Lips -
- Replied by
- Imagin.ation
- at Dec 27, 09, 10:38:27 PM
Superstar Member 5026
- last active 6 years ago
Well.. why do we marry?
You know some countries, up to 4 wives are allowed, the marriages are more of showing wealth, pride, prominence.. and more..
It's not even about sex or love.. how strange is that?
I could never see myself happy in a marriage, my husband married with 3 other women.. hell no, and seriously i don't know how they do it and get along.
Gosh.. knowing my husband is off to the next room with another wife having sex.. or another household gone for days with her, or even all at the same time lol
The swing thing can work great there lol..
Not for me im not sharing my husband, and i'd smack him if he even thought about it!!! Just kidding on smacking him -
- Replied by
- bbattack
- at Dec 28, 09, 07:01:31 PM
Newbie 1
- last active 15 years ago
I truely believe the American dream is to have happiness and peace in there lives. To be able to live comfortably and not worry about how or when they are going to be able to pay the rent and other bills or if they will be able to afford food for the family until the next paycheck comes in. I know money does not buy you happiness but it does provide the essentials for living.
- Replied by
- Lipstick
- at Jan 03, 10, 03:22:06 PM
Admin 13901
- last active 23 hours ago
Debate #3
What happened to Freedom of Speech?
Bill/amendment #1.
Congress shall make no law respecting an Establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Exactly what is Freedom of Speech? Should we be allowed to voice our opinions no matter who we may or may not offend. Many times we have asked ourselves....what happened to freedom of speech when someone loses their jobs, or they become tainted by news media for speaking their minds.
Maybe there should be more limitations on what we say. Is it right to unjustly attack a group, person, religious beliefs and political opinions?
We may not be allowed to slander a persons religious beliefs or ethic background but its ok for example to call someone over weight ugly and cruel names and that goes unnoticed and is accepted.
Do you believe that being denied to voice our opinions only stifles any resolution to problems in our world today? Who decides what is considered appropriate opinion to inappropriate opinions?
Lips -
- Replied by
- Imagin.ation
- at Jan 03, 10, 05:44:54 PM
Superstar Member 5026
- last active 6 years ago
- Replied by
- karen simmons
- at Jan 03, 10, 06:16:05 PM
Sr. Member 353
- last active 7 years ago
Monogamy is a wonderful thought but I truly do not believe that humans are meant to be monogamous. In my opinion, that is why there are so many relationships destroyed by unfaithful partners. Many of us can consciously make the choice to be with one person or partners may make the choice to have the infamous open relationship. Marriage is for those people. Bottom line, both people must be on board.
Basically that is right but depends on gender " I think"
Like lions in wild the male has a pride of females but as long as that male is the stronger of rivals he is the only one for her. If another male is stronger and beats or kills him she goes to the winner. The female will stay with him until he can no longer defend the pride.
Same with humans since we all are mammals. Just society regards men keeping "prides" immoral. If it was acceptable every man would take on more than one wife but us females would stay with one man, even if we had to share. Society shapes how we live not us. -
- Replied by
- drpsyce38
- at Jan 04, 10, 01:32:47 PM
Super Hero 1493
- last active 5 years ago
Freedom of speech.
Currently, the biggest threat to freedom of speech is what is commonly called "political correctness." Now, in all fairness, for years what CONTROLED dialogue was white/male/rich power structures. So, this may be a case of "turn about being fair play!"
However, political correctness does squelch debate. For example:
If one opposes Obama on a matter, at times the race card is played. "You only say that because Obama is black!"
If you have legitimate concerns about environmental issues, but really question the science of "global warming" then you are a painted as a killer of polar bears and a member of the proverbial Flat Earth Society.
Etc... -
- Replied by
- Lipstick
- at Jan 04, 10, 10:56:45 PM
Admin 13901
- last active 23 hours ago
We the people have created censorship. We all have our own strong beliefs in one thing or another. Basically i really think that Americans hate some form of speech or public opinions at one time or another.
What is the first thing we do? We want the government to intervene. I think Freedom of Speech is a crock. How many times have you wanted to say something and strongly express an opinion but hold back? We live more and more fear for our voices to be heard.
There is always going to be difference where opinions are concerned. Instead of losing our jobs, losing our character as individuals.....shouldn't it be instilled that its ok to have your own set a beliefs and still have our dignity? Instead we are shamed and ridiculed by society.
I think there should be a revised amendment..........It's ok to disagree.
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Orbit Spins Casino For registration in casino is 20 usd free chip (code: ORBIT20) but with bonus code WELCOME50 You can get 50 usd free chip - New players only - 30x Wagering - $50 Max Cashout - 1x...
Orbit Spins Casino No Deposit

See all casino bonuses available for your country on our Christmasthemed page. We will also post updates in this thread for your convenience. If you find anyChristmasthemed offers feel free to post...
Christmas Casino Bonuses And Promotions 2024

Hello LCB Community! 👋 I’m Nick, the Casino Manager at BitSpin365 , and I’m excited to be here with you all. At BitSpin365 , we’re focused on giving players everywhere a smooth, exciting,...
BitSpin365 - Support and Complaints Thread
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