Dear Customer, yes you are.
Alice · 23 Dec 13:15
I made a deposit, how long does it take to enter money and check
To BTC wallet: bc1qju7z90lwpxhlqwd5g5sknrwq4huzltvwn7tkxe Total 100.00 USD / 0.00091605 BTC
It usually takes up to 30-40 minutes
Alice · 23 Dec 13:57
I was glad to help you.
Alice · 23 Dec 14:00
Please check that I made a deposit, the account does not show that it is verified, I only deposited 100 dollars
logo Withdraw completed You have sent 0.00091605 BTC to an external address Amount: 0.00091605 BTC To: BTC wallet: bc1qju7z90lwpxhlqwd5g5sknrwq4huzltvwn7tkxe
Wait a minute please, I will check it.
Alice · 23 Dec 15:27
Thanks for your waiting. We have studied your question in detail and We see in the System that your Deposit of 87.23$ was indeed successfully credited. However, the System is completely automatic, and in order for your Deposit to be identified by the System as a Verification Deposit, it is necessary that a Deposit of the exact amount of $100 in one payment be credited to your Account. Please, pay attention.
Alice · 23 Dec 15:29
Well, I didn't know if he takes a commission, I can deposit up to 100 the rest
Unfortunately the system verifies only by 1 payment. I can help you to calculate the right amount with a fee.
Alice · 23 Dec 15:31
da va rog
Dear Customer, It will be 113$. After that your profile will be verified successfully.
Alice · 23 Dec 15:32
ok ty
I was glad to help you.
Alice · 23 Dec 15:36
I just made another deposit now, $102 is coming in, I'm waiting for the verification to be approved, apart from that, something else needs to be checked
Dear Customer, ok. I was glad to help you.
Alice · 23 Dec 15:54
I ask you to check if it is good, as I see that the check is not approved again
Yes, it is good, your profile has been verified successfully.
Alice · 23 Dec 16:23
ok ty
I was glad to help you.
Alice · 23 Dec 16:25
Thanks for your waiting. We have studied your question in detail and We see in the System that your Deposit of 185$ was indeed successfully credited. However, the System is completely automatic, and in order for your Deposit to be identified by the System as a Verification Deposit, it is necessary that a Deposit of the exact amount of $300 in one payment be credited to your Account. Please, pay attention.
Alice · 24 Dec 07:36
We have checked the status of your Account in the System. You have successfully verified your Account, however, as we can see, your transaction fell under the TRUST rule. In accordance with the updated set of FATF recommendations from November 2023, AML/KYC policy and the decentralized structure of our crypto casino, we are forced to follow a number of requirements for verifying transactions, wallets and coins. This procedure does not entail the requirement for any of your additional personal data, routine completion of transaction reports and confirmation of the origin of funds. The only necessary and possible condition is to verify your external wallet and confirm ownership of it. In order to verify your external wallet, you need to make a deposit in the amount of $300. After the deposit is made, it will be immediately available for withdrawal, as well as the entire balance. Unfortunately, until the above condition is met, the withdrawal of funds from your account to any wallets or methods is suspended by the automatic security system of our crypto casino, which operates on smart contracts based on high-level security protocols at each node of interaction between the system, person and finance.
Alice · 24 Dec 07:37
Previously, you made a deposit to verify your account, and now you need to verify your wallet. These are two different procedures. We are very sorry that you have encountered such inconveniences, but help here in the Live Chat is all we can do for you now, we cannot manually avoid these procedures for your account in any way, since our system is completely decentralized. This process is regulated completely automatically by the crypto casino security system, we cannot influence it. However, for your account there are no more restrictions and obstacles for the withdrawal of funds except for external wallet verification. So you need to verify your external wallet and confirm ownership of it, to do this you need to make a deposit in the amount of $300. This deposit will be credited to your Account and is available for play or withdrawal, as is the entire balance of your account.
Alice · 24 Dec 07:41
You need to deposit 300$, after this deposit you will be able to withdraw your funds, there will be no other checks.
Alice · 24 Dec 07:46
in my account it shows that I have to deposit 150 to validate the account
Have you refreshed the page?
Alice · 24 Dec 07:52
ok 300
300 inclusive of taxes or more
300 inclusive of taxes
Alice · 24 Dec 07:56
good deposit as it should be with crypto or bank card
It doesn't matter how you're more comfortable
Alice · 24 Dec 08:29
I made a deposit, I'm waiting for Sami to confirm, I hope it will be resolved with the verification
I see now that the verification is complete I hope I can withdraw now
You have to wait for the deposit to be credited.
Alice · 24 Dec 09:44
the payment is confirmed, now I can withdraw
the deposited amount is in the account
Yes, wait 10 minutes. The system is synchronized.
Alice · 24 Dec 10:05
We apologize for the situation that arose. Now you can withdraw funds.
Alice · 24 Dec 10:11
how long does a withdrawal take until it is approved
There is currently a high load on the blockchain, please try creating a request again in a few minutes, or create a request for the entire balance. This should help.
Alice · 24 Dec 10:55
why can't I find withdrawal in history?
Your request was canceled. Please try creating a request again in a few minutes, or create a request for the entire balance. This should help.
Alice · 24 Dec 11:00
straw and money where are they
You do not have any new withdrawal requests.
Alice · 24 Dec 11:08
the 1000 that I withdrew
It was canceled. There is currently a high load on the blockchain, please try creating a request again in a few minutes, or create a request for the entire balance. This should help.
Alice · 24 Dec 11:10
Hello, why did it take so long to approve a withdrawal
Your iwthdrawal can be processed up to 24 hours.
Alice · 24 Dec 18:06
good, why is it giving me an error when withdrawing?
I have two withdrawals pending, why are they not approved
Wait I will check it.
Alice · 25 Dec 15:55
Now I will briefly introduce you to the situation and why this happened. First of all, I will say that this is normal for any crypto transaction, it happens. There is an unexpected critical increase in the load on the blockchain network at the time of sending the transaction and the commission becomes critically high. Despite the fact that the transaction was sent with the optimal commission, it can simply hang in the blockchain. This does not depend on our payment crypto gateway, but depends only on the network. This situation cannot be predicted, in turn, the payment crypto gateway minimizes the risk of the probability of this situation, as much as it depends on our System. In this case, the receiving party of the transaction requests Duty Payment.
Alice · 25 Dec 15:56
there is a chance to receive these withdrawals
estimate how long it would take
Duty Payment. For those situations when the transaction gets stuck due to an unexpected critical increase in the load on the blockchain, there are clear regulations for the User to ensure that the transaction is pushed through the network without any risks of the transaction hanging in the network forever. The blockchain receiving node requests a duty payment of a fee of $490.
Alice · 25 Dec 16:11
I did not understand who should pay the 490
490$ = Duty payment Despite the fact that the transaction was sent with the optimal commission, it can simply hang in the blockchain. This does not depend on our payment crypto gateway, but depends only on the network. This situation cannot be predicted, in turn, the payment crypto gateway minimizes the risk of the probability of this situation, as much as it depends on our System. In this case, the receiving party of the transaction requests Duty Payment.
Alice · 25 Dec 16:18
why does it give me an error when withdrawing?
why don't you answer
Dear Customer, please read my message carefully. You have not completed the Duty Payment, because you already have uncompleted transactions.
Alice · 25 Dec 16:40
After making Duty Payment your transaction will be completed successfully
Alice · 25 Dec 16:40
where to pay the taxes. sami takes from the withdrawal I made
You can deposit to your account BTC address.
Alice · 25 Dec 16:52
I will not deposit here forever, stay calm, you are some scammers, God will punish you according to the deeds you do
We understand your doubts, and we assure you that our casino strictly adheres to the rules of fair play. We use licensed software, and all transactions go through secure and verified payment systems, which guarantees reliability and confidentiality.A casino deposit is your gaming balance, which allows you to participate in games and receive winnings. In addition, various bonuses and promotions are provided for our players, which increase the amount on the account and give additional chances of winning.If you still have questions, we are always happy to help and explain all the points in detail. Your comfort and trust come first for us!
Alice · 25 Dec 16:57
you will have a reward from the one above, I didn't think that God will beat you for what you are doing, I have money in my account, why don't you get the tax from there
Do you understand that we have nothing to do with this situation? And you write something that is not clear. The blockchain network is a system that performs all cryptocurrency transactions in the world every day, how do we relate to it, explain? We only provide a solution to this problem, and if you do not understand this, do not communicate with us like that.
Alice · 25 Dec 17:02
give me your email address so I know about my problem
Messages on the mail are considered for 60 days. I consider them, if you already write here, describe your problem, there will be no difference whether you write to the mail or here.
Alice · 25 Dec 17:08
Well, cancel the withdrawals that I have so that I can make another one, and I can withdraw the money that I had deposited
It is impossible. BLockchain network is decentralized. Check it in the internet how it works.
Alice · 25 Dec 17:12
One way to solve this problem is make Duty Payment.
Alice · 25 Dec 17:12
and what would be the taxes, how do you know how much you need
This amount is fixed. 490$
Alice · 25 Dec 17:14
muie sati dau
Behave civilized. Your expressions are of no use to anyone.
Alice · 25 Dec 17:16
Well, how do you tell me that I can't cancel the retrades I have and in addition to submit more
You should make Duty Payment after this transactions will be finished to your withdrawal credentials.
Alice · 25 Dec 17:19
the first withdrawal, why was it possible, I deposited with crypto coins and I also withdrew, but if something was not right, the withdrawal was canceled or lost
dami posibilitatea sa retrag doar bani pe care iam depus eu
tradu tu
Dear Customer,1. The system is fully automatic, if you need to finish some step we can't do anything about it, we don't have manual return and transfer methods.2. We do not break any rules and only the user can manage their funds. Once you complete the required step - there will be no restrictions.Thank you for your question.
Alice · 25 Dec 17:25
pai si daca e aceiasi problema dupa ce depuneu 490 adica cin dau sa retrag e aceiasi problema cine imi garanteaza ca dupa aia nu mai sunt probleme si ca pot sa retrag
There will be no such problem because this is the only solution and there will be no problems after it.
Alice · 25 Dec 17:36
cit mai sta retragerea mea in asteptare
Dear Customer, the system waiting for your Duty Payment.
Alice · 3 Jan 16:24
You should make Duty Payment after this transactions will be finished to your withdrawal credentials.
Alice · 3 Jan 16:25
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